
Alvar Escriva-Bou
Assistant Professor
Alvar Escriva-Bou is an assistant professor with the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department and the Institute of the Environment and Sustainability at the University of California, Los Angeles. His research uses systems approaches to explore integrated water, energy, food and environmental resources management. Specifically, he focuses on the integration of the human dimension in these socio-environmental systems, linking engineering and economic models to assess drought impacts, improve urban and agricultural resilience, or analyze policy outcomes and tradeoffs. Prior to joining UCLA, Alvar was a senior fellow at the Water Policy Center of the Public Policy Institute of California where he examined the options and consequences of transitioning to groundwater sustainability in the San Joaquin Valley, analyzed California’s water accounting system, studied urban drought strategies, and investigated energy and climate policies related to water use, among other things. Previously, he worked as a civil a civil engineer, managing and developing large infrastructure projects for local and regional governments and consulting firms in Spain. Alvar holds a PhD and MS in water and environmental engineering and a BS in civil engineering from the Polytechnic University of Valencia in Spain, as well as an MS in agricultural and resource economics from the University of California, Davis.

Aneesa Gomez-Cervantes
PhD student (Environment and Sustainability, Institute of the Environment and Sustainability)

Armen Konialian
PhD student (Hydrology and Water Resources, Civil and Environmental Engineering Department)

Robert Reny
Professional Doctorate student (Environment Science and Engineering, D. Env, IoES)

Weizhuo Jing
Master student (Hydrology and Water Resources, Civil and Environmental Engineering Department)