
Leadership in Water Management (ENV 166, Fall Quarter). Examination of water quality and water supply issues, including interactions between scientific, technological, management, and policy issues. Invited experts, scholars, and practitioners discuss relevant issues such as pollution, climate change, and water infrastructure. Emphasis on solutions involving integrated water supply and wastewater systems. Leadership development through writing instruction and negotiations and media training.


Practicum in Environmental Science (ENV 180 B/C, Winter and Spring Quarters). Investigation of various aspects of one environmental case study representing actual multidisciplinary issue. Particular emphasis on developing skills required for working as professionals in this field. Work may involve site investigations, original data collection and analysis, mapping and geographic information systems, and environmental policy and law issues. Case study to be defined and conducted with collaboration of local agency or nonprofit institution.


 Water Resources Systems Engineering (CEE 250D, Spring Quarter). Application of mathematical programming techniques to water resources systems. Topics include reservoir management and operation; optimal timing, sequencing and sizing of water resources projects; and multiobjective planning and conjunctive use of surface water and groundwater. Emphasis on management of water quantity.